In Traditional Chinese medicine theory regulating emotions is an important part of health. Certain conditions can lead to emotional changes just as easily as emotions can cause illness. One way to be aware of emotions without letting them get out of control is through meditation.
The many types of meditation use specific postures, focused attention possibly on breath, mantra or movement. Meditation is used for relaxation, mental calmness, psychological balance and overall wellbeing. Previous studies have shown the longer someone has been meditating the greater the effect is on the brain. A new study has shown there can be changes with as little as 11 hours of meditating using a Chinese meditation technique.
A recent study of meditators found a shift in their brain activity from the stress-prone right frontal cortex to the left which is calmer thereby helping to reduce anxiety, stress and depression. They also found there is decreased activity in the amygdala which processes fear. Researchers monitored brain activity through MRI technology and found increased alpha waves as well as activation of the autonomic nervous system which regulates bodily functions we don't have control over such as digestion and blood pressure. Often these systems are compromised by stress which can result in disease therefore managing stress through meditation or meditative activities such as Tai Chi, Qi Gong or Yoga can have numerous health benefits.